William G. Nomikos

I am Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Santa Barbara where I direct the Data-driven Analysis of Peace Project (DAPP) lab.

I research how identity and domestic politics shape international intervention using a mix of computational, experimental, econometric, and field methods. My book, Local Peace, International Builders: How the UN Builds Peace from the Bottom Up, examines the conditions under which international actors successfully bring order, peace, and stability to fragile settings.

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My research looks at how domestic political considerations shape the conduct of international interventions in fragile settings. I also conduct research on how foreign policy shapes public opinion in democracies, specifically as related to intervention in civil wars abroad.

Below are some of my latest projects. For a complete listing, please visit my research page.


"With careful fieldwork, experiments, cross-national analyses, and in-depth case studies, Nomikos provides compelling evidence that UN peacekeepers are uniquely capable of reducing communal violence. Readers will gain a novel perspective on the role of peacekeeping."

Kyle Beardsley, Duke University

"Through an artful combination of research methods, Nomikos underscores the importance of peacekeeper impartiality. Citizen perceptions of peacekeepers, we learn, make an enormous difference in the effectiveness of post-conflict recovery. Both scientific and optimistic, this book is a model for the next generation of peacekeeping research."

Susan D. Hyde, University of California, Berkeley

"How do UN peacekeepers keep the peace? Using interviews with local leaders and peacekeepers, behavioral games, surveys, and georeferenced data on troops, Nomikos finds that when peacekeepers are viewed as impartial, they de-escalate local conflicts. A must-read for anyone interested in peacekeeping."

Lisa Morjé Howard, Georgetown University

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I direct the Data-driven Analysis of Peace Project (DAPP), a lab that brings together researchers conducting work various topics related to international security, conflict processes, and peacebuilding.

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