William G. Nomikos

I am Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Santa Barbara where I direct the Data-driven Analysis of Peace Project (DAPP) lab.

I research how identity and domestic politics shape international intervention using a mix of computational, experimental, econometric, and field methods. My first book, Local Peace, International Builders: How the UN Builds Peace from the Bottom Up, examines the conditions under which international actors successfully bring order, peace, and stability to fragile settings. My second book, Patrolling the Commons: Peacekeeping and Conflict in a Climate Changed-World, explains what peacekeepers can do to mitigate climate change-induced social conflict in weakly institutionalized settings.

About Me

Magnifying glass and research icon


My research looks at how domestic political considerations shape the conduct of international interventions in fragile settings. I also conduct research on how foreign policy shapes public opinion in democracies, specifically as related to intervention in civil wars abroad.

Below are some of my latest projects. For a complete listing, please visit my research page.

Books in a pile


I am writing two books examining the process of building peace in a rapidly changing world.

Local peace

Local Peace, International Builders: How the UN Builds Peace from the Bottom Up

Explains the conditions under which UN peacekeeping operations promote peaceful interactions between civilian communities in fragile settings.


Dove of peace

Patrolling the Commons: Peacekeeping and Conflict in a Climate-Changed World (with Patrick Hunnicutt)

Offers a new analytical framework, novel data from multiple fragile settings, and a multi-method research design to investigate the role of UN peacekeeping operations, an oft-proposed tool for mitigate climate-driven conflict.


I direct the Data-driven Analysis of Peace Project (DAPP), a lab that brings together researchers conducting work various topics related to international security, conflict processes, and peacebuilding.

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